I am a third year CS PhD student at the University of Utah, School of Computing under the supervision of Prof. Ryan Stutsman. I am also collaborating with Prof. Brent Stephens. My research interests are at the intersection of operating systems, networking, and distributed systems. Particularly, I am interested to use novel hardware and accelerators to solve emerging distributed systems problems in the post-Moore era.

Before starting my PhD, I worked with Tanivr Ahmend Khan on load-time code layout optimizations of large application binaries in warehouse scale computers.

I completed my bachelor’s degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.


  • [ October 2023 ] I will present my research work on SmartNIC offloading in SOSP Doctoral Workshop.
  • [ May 2022 ] I will serve on the OSDI’22 artifact evaluation committee.
  • [ September 2021 ] I will serve on the SOSP’21 artifact evaluation committee.
  • [ August 2021 ] Joined in the University of Utah, School of Computing as a CS PhD student.


  • A new efficient, secure, and scalable framework for remote memory access and function offloading exploiting the programmability and offloading capability of smartNICs

  • A new software architecture for building services that centers around coherent accelerators and rack-scale shared memory

  • Accelerating the network read path of in-memory key-value stores using eBPF


  • Aftifact evaluation committee, OSDI’22
  • Aftifact evaluation committee, SOSP’21

Teaching Assistantship

  • Distributed Systems, University Of Utah, Fall’22
  • Operating Systems, University Of Utah, Sprint’22